
A class that manages an animation of a display object by specifying multiple animation objects.

new Animation(target, params)

Name Type Description
target Object Any object that will be changed its properties by the animation. Usually the object is a display object.
params Object An object containing various properties of the target object that you want to animate on the target objects with the final values, a duration and a transition type. If multiple objects are specified, the values of the properties will be changed sequentially. The target object should implements a getter and a setter of the properties. The format of the getter is "getProperty" and the setter is "setProperty".
//Takes 0.5 seconds to move its position to x:10, y:10 with a SINE_OUT transition, and after that takes 1 second to move its position to x:20, y:30 with a SINE_IN transition.
var anim = new arc.anim.Animation(target, 
					{x:10, y:10, time:500, transition:arc.anim.Transition.SINE_OUT},
					{x:20, y:30, time:1000, transition:arc.anim.Transition.SINE_OUT});;


addEventListener(type, callback)

Registers an event listener object to EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives the notification.

Name Type Description
type String The type of event.
callback Function The listener function.


Dispatches an event to the event flow.

Name Type Description
Event arc.Event object

isPlaying() → {Boolean}

Determines if the animtion is playing.

Boolean If true the animation is playing


Playes the animation.

Name Type Description
shouldReplay Boolean If true the animation will be looped

removeEventListener(type, callback)

Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.

Name Type Description
type String The type of event.
callback Function The listener function.


Stops the animation.