
Image class deals with a image.

new Image(data, localPosArr)

Creates Image Object

Name Type Description
data HTMLImageElement HTMLImageElement object or path to a image
localPosArr Array An array includes local positions and sizes(not required).


addEventListener(type, callback)

Registers an event listener object to EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives the notification.

Name Type Description
type String The type of event.
callback Function The listener function.

changeColor(color, density)

Changes its color.

Name Type Description
color int A color
density Number A ratio of its application

changeScale(xscale, yscale) → {Image}

Creates new image in a specified scale.

Name Type Description
xscale Number A horizontal scale for a new image
yscale Number A vertical scale for a new image
Image The new Image object

changeSize(width, height) → {Image}

Creates new image in a specified size.

Name Type Description
width Number A width for a new image
height Number A height for a new image
Image The new Image object


Dispatches an event to the event flow.

Name Type Description
Event arc.Event object

draw(x, y, rotation)

Draws the image.

Name Type Description
x Number A horizontal position
y Number A vartical position
rotation Number A rotation

drawCrop(x1, y1, width1, height1, x2, y2, width2, height2, rotation)

Draws the image within the specified cropping area.

Name Type Description
x1 Number A horizontal position of the cropping area
y1 Number A vartical position of the cropping area
width1 Number A width of the cropping area
height1 Number A height of the cropping area
x2 Number A horizontal position where to draw the image
y2 Number A vartical position where to draw the image
width2 Number A width of the image
height2 Number A height of the image
rotation Number A rotation of the image

drawSize(x, y, width, height, rotation)

Draws the image in a specified size.

Name Type Description
x Number A horizontal position
y Number A vartical position
width Number A width of the image
height Number A height of the image
rotation Number A rotation

duplicate() → {Image}

Duplicates the image.

Image The duplicated image

getFrameWidth() → {Number}

Returns a width of a frame.

Number A width of a frame

getHeight() → {Number}

Returns a height.

Number A height

getPath() → {Number}

Returns a url of the image

Number A URL of the image.

getWidth() → {Number}

Returns a width.

Number A width

removeEventListener(type, callback)

Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.

Name Type Description
type String The type of event.
callback Function The listener function.


Sets a width of a frame for a image used for a sprite animation.

Name Type Description
frameWidth Number A width of a frame